Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Salacious salad for bachelors, spinsters!!

Choice is all yours

Bachelors and spinsters have many reasons to rejoice. Here comes the SEX handy for them.

‘‘Live in relationships’ is the buzz of the day and is doing rounds, throwing the Indian culture and societal norms on the anvil of morality and sentiments. Girl friend, boy friend, hugging, kissing and pre-mature sex and extra-marital sex have been stale in this self-centered and fragile society. If you are taken aback of this thought, then you are lagging behind the social development including sustainable development. Alas!! It portrays your naively character at the end of the day. Thanks for appetite for alienated culture!!

Suffice to say, today’s age is fast-moving and everything is digitalized. No need to wait for fruits or vegetables for four months to grow and produce rather than some days. You can get cabbage round the year, even though it is seasonal. They can be availed within 40 days. So life’s a race and somewhat recapitulates the very and popular dialogue of Rancho starred by Aamir Khan in ‘3-Idiots’. And somewhat I am convinced of Rancho character to many things to a great extent, connecting to varied things.

Are you celibacy?
Are you facing hard times to be a bachelor or spinster?
Are you on the verge of bachelorhood or spinsterhood?
Who is going to wait for three decades for mere SEX after completing all rituals and proceedings successfully?
Are you being encountered of such questions?

If cabbage is available at our fingertips, then why not SEX? And what is there more in SEX? Guys, hope I am not going wrong!! You can’t say ‘NO’ against my opinion as you all are glued to your seats. Some of you people will feel shy or others would be reticent to reveal in support of this open secret salacious talk. Blame to short-cut or selfish lifestyle. Nevertheless, this alien is going to be familiar soon. Many such types of living are in the offing.

Someone has rightly enunciated, “Marriages are made in heavens”. And so do Indians, especially people in rural areas believe in this pious thought. To them, marriage is the confluence not only two and heterogeneous bodies, rather meeting of two hearts and that it stretches to seven births, not one birth. Ergo people carrying some moral norms and values residing in villages are deserting this thought and are welcoming our enriched and traditional marriage system.

On the contrary, our honourable Supreme Court of India twisted the ideas of people, terming it as orthodox. Shame to the panel of judges who are inviting unfathomable threat to Indian culture. It’s an SOS to each and every Indian to address this issue on a war footing.

Monday, March 29, 2010

is Live-in relationship’ good?

There has been a lot of buzz about ‘Live in relationships’, burning issue of Indian culture and society now days. We all know the Indian society where the ratio of urban and rural people is 20/80. Indian culture lives in rural area not in urban area. As a result our rural people never adopt this trend. Indian culture is so rich and sound that there is no need of copy other culture. ‘Live-in’ not our own culture, totally a western culture then why we agree to?

What is ‘Live-in relationship?

Obviously the meaning of ‘Live-in relation ship; people live with each other without getting married, is call live-in relationship. This relationship adopted mostly Youngsters. Youngsters sacrifice everything for the sake of winning their desire. As a result they cross the barrier of our society; during living relation ship parental love vanished and changes another format heterosexual love. In Live-in relationship there is no emotional attachment, the attachment is only and only physical attachment at last they fed up with this relationship and leave each other.

At last the result is very bad between both youngsters and the result of this relation affected there familiar life. They not attached there family emotional because the development there nature not emotionally only physically and there relation end up very soon.

Indian people believe in marriage, and marriage is not a time pass it is a part of social culture, we could do marriage not only time pass but survive of life. In hindu dhram it is a kram of human in our dhram sex is without marriage is against of our religion.
In marriage life the bond is not single there is multi type bond and the attachment is both physical and emotional. In marriage life both are responsible to each other, they understand their responsibility very well, but in live-in the relation only for needs and no more than cobwebs which they try to escape and the relation scattered like a pack of cards.

The Supreme Court of India assumed his judgment that living together of a man and a woman without getting married wan not an offence. This is not good judgment to sound health in Indian culture. The bench of judge said that in ancient time lord Krishna and Radha live without marriage, this is example don’t suit here because the relation in that time is without any advantage the relation is spiritual but in the present time the relation develop of self benefit, so there is no emotional attachment only physical attachment and result break of very soon.

A very common human tendency is we all go easier way, ‘Live-in’ is the easier way in comparisons to marriage because there is no commitment here so youngster prefer it, but a smooth road never produce a perfect driver, youngster choose the shortcut to achieve their objective and requirements but in long run they go down.

Monday, March 22, 2010

सिमटती भारतीय संस्कृति

बिभिन्न बिविधताओ के समिश्रण के बाद भी हमारी सभ्यता विश्व की अनुपम सभ्यता है. जिसका इतिहास ५००० साल पुराना है, ३२५ भाषाओ के होने पर भी दिल से सिर्फ एक ही आवाज निकलती है "हिन्दुस्तानी". इतनी पुरानी सभ्यता होने के बावजूद भी पूरे विश्व में हमारी सभ्यता की एक अलग पहचान है जिसे सारी दुनिया अनुसरण करती है. पाषण युग से लेकर आज तक चित्रकारी, मधुवनी पेंटिंग, संगीत और नृत्य- नौटंकी की बदौलत हमारी संस्कृति आज भी धनी है. पहनावा जो इस संस्कृति को पूरे विश्व में एक अलग पहचान दिलाता है जिसका पूरा विश्व कायल है, साड़ी जिसे पहनने के बाद किसी भी नारी की सुन्दरता में चार चाँद लग जाते है वो हमारी संस्कृति की ही देन है.

आज का युवा वर्ग भारतीय संस्कृति को छोड़ के पश्चमी सभ्यता को अपनाने में अपने को गौरवान्वित महसूस करता है, भारतीय नृत्य का तो आज नामो निशान मिटने पे है जहा देखो वहा पे 'डिस्को' और ना जाने कौन कौन से नृत्य का बोल बाला है,कुछ अलग दिखने की चाह में खुद को किसी भी हद तक गिराने को तैयार है.

हिंदी जो हमारी मातृभाषा है उसमे बात करना उन्हें गवारा नहीं है, वो तो अंग्रेजी को अपनी भाषा बना बैठे हैं,जो युवा अंग्रेजी नहीं बोल पा रहे है उनके सह्पाठी उनकी खिल्ली उड़ाते है, आज जो लोग अपने को संभ्रांत कहते है उस समाज में अंग्रेजी बोलना एक रीती है. आज किसी पार्टी में जाओ तो वहा दो चीजो का ही बोल-बाला होता है दारू और सिगरेट, जहां एक हाथ की शोभा दारू तो दूसरे हाथ की शोभा सिगरेट बढ़ा रही होती है.

युवा वर्ग को भारतीय संस्कृति बोझ लगने लगी है, ना उनके लिए कोई धर्म मायने रखता है ना कोई सभ्यता उनका धर्म तो बस एक ही रह गया है वो है, 'पब' और 'डिस्को' वहा पे वो जाके अंग्रेजी संगीत पर झूमना, मदिरा सेवन करना और फिर अश्लीलता की सारी हदे पार कर जाना जिसकी इजाजत हमारी संस्कृति कभी नहीं देती, उन्हें लगता है सारी दुनिया यही तक सिमटी हुई है, पर जब वो नींद से जागते है तो उन्हें एहसास होता है कि ये कहा आ गए हम....फिर लौटने के सारे रास्ते बंद हो चुके होते है, वो उस दलदल में फस चुके होते है जिससे निकलना मुश्किल ही नहीं नामुमकिन होता है.

'कॉल सेंटर और बीपीओ के आने के बाद तो युवा बर्ग में पैसे कमाने की तीब्र भावना जागृत हो चुकी है और इसका पूरा फायदा विदेशी कंपनिया उठा रही है, पैसे का लालच दे कर मासूम जिदंगी में मीठा जहर घोल रही है, ये जहर कब असर करना शुरु करता है शायद उन्हें पता भी नहीं चलता जब तक पता चलता है लुटिया डूब चुकी होती है.

हमारी संस्कृति की मिशाल इसी बात से साफ झलकती है कि यहाँ पर तलाक का प्रतिशत १.१ के करीब है जो अमेरिका में ५० प्रतिशत से भी ज्यादा है ,जिस नमस्ते ने सारी दुनिया को अभिवादन करना सिखाया आज वो धूमिल हो चुकी है लोग हाय - हैलो बोलने में अपने आप को गौरवान्वित महसूस करते है , जहां हमारी संस्कृति नें लोगो को आदर करना सिखाया और एक दूसरे की सहायता करना भी। आज ये सारी बाते किताबो में ही कैद होकर रह गयी है।.

किसी देश के विकास की डोर उसके युवाओ के हाथ में होती है, यदि युवा पीढ़ी सही दिशा में काम कर रही है तो देश दिन दुनी और रात चौगिनी तरक्की कर सकता है पर आज के माहौल को देखकर तो बस एक ही बात दिल से निकलती है "भगवान भला करे इस देश का"...........................

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Modernity Vs Tradition

Tradition is not demobilized; it is mobilize by several ways. Commonly tradition and modernity are vice versa. Modern people think that there fundamental right is to criticize the tradition but the real fact is other the modernity is born by tradition in other way tradition is the father of modernity. Modernity is mobilize or movable. Both are pros and cons in one coin. This process creates the cycle of time because modernity is movable process and tradition is the last stage of journey.

In our society the symbol of modernization, see day-to-day life. We see every day new view and our society adopt them and our life style change but all new lifestyle lots of old tradition will come with without any change. Therefore, the conclusion is that modernization is the mixture of old and new tradition. If any person says that he is modern there, is a confusion of his thought.
In the era of globalization, we adopt the culture of western world and our youth community produces himself as a modern personality. This shows the picture of modern society and leaves their culture, leave magnificent culture of India.

Changing of there life style they opting or attracting western culture and forgotten the magnificent culture of our society. Bit by bit, will come and go to hell, in that time they have no option to return. Younger generation think about tradition is the border or oppression and extreme weight. Therefore, it is not able to go ahead. Tradition that suppressed but it all the younger step know the real meaning of tradition then their life style is so peace full and pleasant.

Now the present time yoga is famous for all over the world. It adopts our culture. Western culture also adopt, they never say this is this is the ancient culture, so no one adopt it. Because they know, very well that yoga is beneficial to all. Now in present time is change in past the concept is another and they divided by regionalist, nationalist and post modernist. Modernity is internal dissension within tradition and post modernity.

No doubt about modernity provide a new way of life but it also harass or losses in every way. Every man think about himself that he if perfect and his culture is social culture but modern culture does not believe in society or culture. The modern culture is the symbol of unhappiness, selfishness, dissatisfaction and dishonesty. The culture of metropolitan city is meanness and heart-rending. Man meets each other but the relation of them is cold or no warm relation among them. What is the root cause? Main cause of this is that human being forgets his traditional culture. Modernization corrupt our sound culture, in this culture there is no love, no affection no attachment every where hate and enmity. Modernization give nothing to our society but it gives only corruption, that harm whole society.
Again, our culture goes in traditional way, people faith of traditional power. Yoga and Aurved now famous not in India but all over the world. Yoga is so famous in present time in busy life, meditation stress physical and mental tiredness. Medical science failure several cases but yoga also do it. Yoga is the perfect solution of today life style.

Aurveda is more effective in modern medicine, because there is no side effect and more effective. Therefore, it will be cover all over the world speedy.